My late mom was an absolute etiquette freak. She made sure we were ready to behave politely on any occasion under any circumstances. She would ask if we wanted people to think we were raised by wolves after any infraction. My sister and I thought she was a little nuts, and that practicing our curtsys in case we met royalty was a little over the top, but as it turned out, we did run into a wild variety of charcters through my parents- and sometimes curtsying was in the picture (although we never did meet the Queen, mom held it as a distinct possibility.) All this is by way of saying that Nick and Leah are spot on in their discussions and advice, and are much more entertaining than mom. I love the Bonkers segments, and Leah’s grounded take on getting along.
TL;DR 10/10 recommend! So smart and funny!!
Jan. 25, 2025 by Msmarym on Apple Podcasts